When I woke up, Amber told me not to get my hopes up, but that she was having contractions every 10-15 minutes. We read up on false labour and deduced that this is what was happening. Sure enough, but 8 AM, things had subsided. I worked at the office for part of the day, went to the bank.
I got home at 4:30 to take my family to the hairdresser where Blaise would get his 3rd haircut of his life. He behaved very well. My ulterior motive though was to get Amber out of the house so her friends could decorate for a baby shower. Amber's contractions had started up again at 3 PM. The haircut lasted 10 minutes. I was supposed to keep Amber away until 6 PM. I said we should take Blaise out for ice cream as this could be his last day being an only child. The ice cream parlour was closed, so I just drove around Tactic for 15 minutes until we got to Doña Lucia's bakery. We bought some pastries and walked around the block. Amber decided it was time to tell her midwife about the contractions and I was game for a pit stop at Doña Marta's for a checkup as I still had to stall for 30 minutes.
Doña Marta agreed to meet us at our house.

A gang of women with gift bags descended upon our house as Amber had contractions every 10 minutes. They ate snacks and desserts. They played games. Amber opened gifts. I stayed in my office and started a movie and put Blaise to bed.

An hour after the party left, Amber told me the contractions were much stronger. I started timing them with my iPod stopwatch, which also records the time the timer was used which gave us intervals for the contractions: Every 2-6 minutes for 45-90 seconds. Amber is tough. I had to persuade her that this was when the midwife comes over and then she should start pushing shortly thereafter.

Amber gave in. Finally. I went and picked up Doña Marta and Mariah and upon first examination, Amber was dilated to about 8 cm which was sufficient according to the midwife because the baby's head wasn't very big.
So then it was a RUSH. We had to heat water on the stove for the pool. Six big pots of water. By the time the water was at a desirable level and temperature, the midwife had broken the water and Amber was ready to push. She got into the pool just after 11 PM. I was busy setting up the video camera, preparing stuff for the baby, playing games on my iPod (just kidding), and encouraging Amber.
Then there she was! 11:15 PM. I didn't get to see her appear, but moments later I was able to see her. Doña Marta's instruments fell into the pool and so with Mariah's help, we hurriedly disinfected them and I went and cut the little one's umbilical cord.

We managed to get Amber and the baby dry, dressed and resting in our bedroom. We breathed for a bit together and we named the sweet girl: Acadia Juliette Robichaud. Then I drove Doña Marta and Seño Mariah home at around 12:15 AM.

When I got back, I was able to spend a little time with my daughter.

We prayed and then went to sleep, a family of 4.

This morning was very exciting too.

I set up the video camera on a tripod and we introduced Blaise to his new sister. He squealed and exclaimed over and over.

We sat together on the couch and I let him hold his baby sister

and kiss his baby sister.

The midwife didn't laugh when I joked about feeding the placenta to the stray dogs. So this morning I planted it in our backyard underneath our orange tree.
I wish to thank and acknowledge all the well wishers from the phone calls and visits to the 30 emails we received. I wish to acknowledge all the wonderful women who brought me treats last night at the shower (I have jello to last me a couple weeks!) and bless with with so many great baby things. I also wish to acknowledge Mariah's huge help last night and also her help this morning - she cleaned our house while we zoned. I also wish to acknowledge Walter and Ruth, our wonderful neighbours, who cared for Blaise this morning and made us a sumptuous meal for lunch (we had enough leftovers for supper).
Congratulations to all Acadia's grandparents, aunties, and uncle Dean.
I will never forget my late night wake up call telling me of Acadia's arrival!! Each birth is so special and so different! Thank you, Zaak for the account of her birth. I've been on Cloud nine all day...and loving looking at the photos, especially of Blaise kissing his sister. Her hand touching his face. I'm such a proud and happy Grandma!
Thank you for allowing me to share in this very special day. You are amazing people and I know that will be reflected in your children as well. I pray for many blessings on your (now larger) family!
Congratulations. This has been a wonderful weekend for both our families. She sure is a cutie. Take are and hope the little one and mom are doing well.
Congratulations Zaak, Amber and Blaise! She is beautiful!!
Lori M.
You know...you guys make the birthing process look like a simple thing. I only wish it was that simple when Zoe and Elliott were born.
Nonetheless, congratulations you two...I guess really its you four.
The picture of Blaise giving kisses to Acadia that really is priceless.
Wow! Congratulations! No drugs?? Wonderwoman or what!! Well done. I hope everything goes well!! Can't wait for more updates!
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl. I love her name. What a blessing to have a little boy and a little girl!
lovely! i remember holding Blaise when he was hours old and now he's a big brother. so beautiful :)
lovely! i remember holding Blaise when he was hours old and now he's a big brother. so beautiful :)
I read this when it was posted and agian just now as I wanted to be sure Acadias b-day is on the 13th. After having a baby myself I am amazed at how easy you made this sound. 15min after getting in the pool? Amber is a champion.
It's a beautiful story. I love the picture of Amber and Acadia on her chest. MAkes me smile.
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