
Rolled into One

I've been super busy. The last two days, I've put in 24 hours of work, plus 8 hours on the weekend. During all of this, I've had lots to write about, but now I've forgotten most of what I've wanted to say. Here are a few snapshots of some experiences / thoughts.

I've installed 23 stoves so far. Jorge helped me out with the last 10 and we had to hike up three mountains to install the last 4. We ran into his brother. Jorge told me that his brother's wife left him a month ago while her husband was at work. She took their two daughters. No one knows where they went.

This is one of the reasons why these stoves are important. This is the soot on a tile roof. The hole is where the stove pipe will go.

My firstborn son turned 2 on Friday. We had a little party that lasted 3 hours - pizza, piñata, and cake. Oh, and lots of toddlers and preschoolers running around. Blaise is awesome.

It is election year in Guatemala - municipal, departmental, and federal. So a helicopter can be seen over Tactic occasionally as it transports campaigning politicians to our region. I want to do a post outlining the various parties and how people campaign in Guatemala.

I am managing a pharmacy at a 4 day medical clinic in Mocohan this week. Got a little break this morning so I could get some translating done. See you on the other side.


Anonymous said...

Great photos. Too bad about Jorge's brother. Hope they find her. That is a bad situation with the soot. Nice cake, very big, I bet he was excited. Elections always seem to bring a little uneasiness in people, no matter where they live. Change is hard, even if it doesn't change, the not knowing before hand is hard.

Anonymous said...

Busy guy!! At least it is gratifying to know that you are helping people have better lives. Keep up the great work!!

Aimée said...

Happy birthday, Blaise!!