Our house stands in a swamp essentially. We don't have mosquitos though; this is a pleasant surprise. The man who owns the greenhouses that face our home also bring cattle, usually 2 or 3, to graze on the wetland grass. Recently we were also the home to a flock of these white birds.

Any ideas as to what species these birds are?
Can't really see them that well. With a bit of research using the Almighty Google, I think it is a Great Egret or a Snowy Egret.
Hmm, they look kind of like storks, Zaak. Are you sure you guys are just having ONE baby?? You may be in for a surprise...
my friend , Carole said she had posted a comment but it isnt here...they are snowy egrets...like what Sirdar said!
Those white birds are snowy egrets, I believe. By the way, Happy Belated Birthday! I wish I was 31 again! Hope that Amber is feeling well and that she has a smooth, easy time of it. Good luck, to all of you!
Thank you all for participating. I will award the majority and declare them snowy egrets. I wonder... any good meat on them?
[mom, I just posted Carole's comment because she emailed it to me]
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