I've been anxiously waiting for another realease and on Tuesday I saw it advertised on iTunes: Neon Bible. I'm really enjoying it, especially the church organ "Intervention" and the title track groove. In this album the band explores the dark side of religion:
Working for the church while
your life falls apart.
Singin’ hallelujah with the fear in your heart.
Every spark of friendship and love
will die without a home.
Hear the soldier groan, “We’ll go at it alone.”
I've heard of Arcade Fire but don't know any of their music. Glad you like it though!!
Montreal is swelling with pride for this post punk group. They launched their new album with an intimate, 300-person-only concert somewhere in town. I didn't go, but felt the buzz as people scrambled for tickets. Oh yeah, they played at some high school-or CEGEP-can't remember, and that was driving more people nuts as you could only go if you attended their school.
Neon Bible is getting awesome sick reviews here...way to go guys!
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