
Facebook Forced Me

25 random things about me. If you've been tagged on FACEBOOK, then you're supposed to make a list too.

1. I miss having long hair.

2. I am currently in the middle of 10 books.

3. I am a very slow reader.

4. Since April 15, 2007, I have watched 299 movies and have blogged about them all (except the last 6 which I plan on doing this weekend).

5. Math was always my favorite subject in school and now I teach Pure Math 10.

6. I am a worst case scenario thinker. I discovered this on my first day cycling across Canada.

7. I have owned 3 different models of the iMac (G4, G5, Intel Duo Core)

8. Since the age of 12 I have kept longer fingernails on my right hand so that I could play classical guitar.

9. I get very worked up about politics because most people aren't aware of underlying issues that aren't discussed in the media.

10. I am a non-denominational Christian.

11. I was the yearbook co-editor of my school in grade 11.

12. I turned down a large scholarship at a prestigious Canadian university and went to Canadian University College instead.

13. My favorite food is fresh cherries. I've eaten them once in the last 3.5 years.

14. I've spent 4 years of my life living on foreign soil.

15. I've played tuba, trombone, and french horn in 5 different concert bands.

16. I want to live on a commune. I want this badly. That was even my goal stated in my grade 11 yearbook.

17. Making lists is enormously enjoyable.

18. I do my own taxes. And Amber's too. I learned how to do them while observing a low level high school math class when I was training to become a teacher.

19. This is my fourth year teaching in Canada and the only course I've taught twice is grade 10 math. I'm a pro at first year teaching.

20. My favorite composer is Jean Sibelius - an alcoholic Finn who wrote melancholy symphonies and tone poems.

21. Nehemiah is my favorite book of the Bible. My favorite verse is John 21:25

22. I manage money quite well.

23. My favorite contemporary author is Douglas Coupland.

24. I cry easily. Guatemala was tough.

25. I am the same height as my wife.


Anonymous said...

I am not quite the same height as my husband, but pretty close. Unfortunately, that isn't very tall. I didn't do the list. I was sick and the wave of lists passed on by. Yippee.

Aimée said...

No.16. Did NOT know that. Could probably recommend one or two.