Amber is still recovering from a broken toe after maliciously kicking Acadia's bed.
A Short-Term Team from Kamloops, BC flies in and arrives in Tactic Sunday night.
The Oilers lose to the Flames and end the weekend with a 3/8 record.
The oldest woman in San Antonio Panec, 105, dies.
Blaise, Acadia, and Amber all have coughs. Both kids have nose fangs.
We find a little green frog for Blaise to marvel at. He marvels.
Julie and Amber each win at Settlers of Catan on Saturday night.
Me? Nothing happened to me.
I hope everyone is better...broken toes (OUCH!!)Must have been horrible trying to get around and tend to the house and kids!...runny noses and coughs...(I guess the oldest San Antonion women...isn't better....well, maybe. Who knows.
Your lives sure sound busy!
Amber's toe looks pretty sore. I'd tell you about kicking the picnic table when it should have been the dog...but you probably don't want to hear about it.
The OIL are coming back from the brink. Keep the FAITH!!
Ambers toe does look sore. Let me tell you the story of 'Sirdar's leg versus the picnic table', it is much funnier when I tell it. Next time you are home, just ask, I will sure be willing to tell you. He can show you the scar and bump, but I will tell the story.
I hope everyone in your house is feeling better soon.
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