Last Friday, after 8 months of school, we officially opened school #3 (though 4 are operating) with a big to-do! I decided that I would film and photograph the event, though no one asked me to. Hey! It was better than sitting in the sun.
I actually enjoyed the event quite a bit. The worship time was cool because all the children from the four schools were gathered in one place - about 400 students plus teachers, local parents, dignitaries, and 8 folks from a mission team.
The sound from the singing was fantastic... and though the sun was really bright, I was thankful for the light. Normally, all the worship takes place in poorly lit rooms, so photos aren't well rendered.
The speeches were short and clear and well-intended.
And then the food. These are tamales. I'm not a fan, so fortunately, the adults were served a great soup with roast beef in it.
Great event though and it this school is a huge blessing for this community where there are hundreds of children not attending school because there just isn't room in the one public school. A whole other discussion is the parents' attitudes towards education.
Its nice to see the effort that you put in has made a huge impact in the area. Congrats!!
That's so exciting! It is an incredible feeling to know that I was a part (a small sewage digging part) of that school. I wish I could have been there for the celebration! Thanks for taking those photos. They inspired me. Every time I see new photos of the schools I am reminded of the incredible way we are all a part of this process. Impact does a great job of creating a sense of ownership in the heart of the short term missions visitor. It is so humbling to know that God used me in a little way to participate his incredible plan for these boys and girls. And he's using you and Amber in a really big way. That's awesome!
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