and still going strong. Almost 800 comments from nearly 50 different people.
I'm curious. Could I have everyone raise their hand if they read my blog. Add a little comment stating "present" with your name or online handle and at the end of next week I'll scope out how many regular readers I have. If you're reading this on facebook, please leave a comment here.
Thanks for following my blog, and, if I'm writing properly, my thoughts.
present and accounted for.
Hey, I am first, which happens when a person doesn't have a life, and they sit at the computer waiting for one of the 150 people in their RSS reader to do a post. I jest of course, but I am a frequent reader of you blog as you can tell by the comments.
yup yup yup
anonymous above is Tiesha :)
Me too me too! Im here alot! A little less since face book but here none the less! :)...I have a life...amd these blogs are a huge part of it! And they ae well writte and informative. And I prefer them to Facebook.
I really enjoy visiting Guatemala. It would be hard for me to go there with my wheelchair, oxygen, and ventilator. So thanks for allowing me to come along with you.
Happy 300th post!
Present and accounted for...
I'm here!
I read your blogs, but seldom comment. I don't get a strong urge to swear when I read you blog.
I read your blog with pleasure my Love!
I read! And you write well, often leaving me things to think about.
Lori M
Sirdar reads your blog too, but he is on leave for another week or so, so I thought I would speak up on his behalf. Isn't that what wives do?
I'm here Zaak! Congrats on your 300 posts I think I only have 5. It's Salome. My blogger identity isn't working.
I see Dawn spoke for me...again. Women....sheesh. :-)
Keep on Bloggin'
I know this comes a little late but Mary and I get caught up on your blog every few weeks. We appreciate your sense of humour.
Steve Koehn
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