Last night, Amber had a hankerin' for some churrascos. So I jumped into the car (with Blaise) and fired into the centre of Tactic where hundreds of other locals were making their way too.
The churrasco is a very thin piece of beef steak, similar in cut to what they dice up for you at Edo Japan. The beef has been marinated and precooked over coals, so it only lacks a quick warming up.
The dish that is prepared is a bed of cooked cabbage with mayonnaise covered with a 10 cm X 10 cm churrasco that is covered with 4 corn tortillas.
Then we pick up some accessories: some deep-fried breadfruit (mazapán) and french fries (papas fritas) doused in mayo, ketchup and green hot sauce.
Two tasty meals like this for exactly $4 (Q28).
That looks delicious. I love ethnic food. I had a friend years ago from Mexico and it was wonderful to visit and have the food she would have made back in her native country. I would say the price is right too. Here that would be minimum $10.
Have you noticed that Dawn always comments before me on pretty much all the blogs I visit?
That meal looks yummy. It is so different than what we would eat here.
my mouth is watering....I think I would be craving that too.
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