Climbed the volcano. Again. Went with a team from Merritt B.C. the day before they flew out. This time, because of extra activity, visitors aren't allowed to climb the volcano (well, like all things in Guatemala, it's more of a suggestion). What was more spectacular this time was a brand new river of lava that had formed in the two weeks before our visit. If I wanted to, which I didn't, I could have reached out and stuck my hand in red hot lava.
I bought a walking stick (32 cents) for the climb with every intention of sticking it into the lava, but forgot half-way up the mountain when I got something out of my pack. Bummer. Rocks don't ignite the same way as wood. The river actually moves too, which is pretty awesome.
Shout out to Isaias from New Mexico who climbed the volcano with me.
I'm sure we will be hearing about aid for Guatemala because of the volcano eruption. It is cool that you can actually go right up the volcano and touch the lava flows. I thought there were gases that weren't good for you from volcanoes...
The last eruption was in 2000 (I think), and people still live on the side of the volcano. There are many towns and farms at the base of the volcano as well. Would an insurance company cover that? When it erupted last, it shot 3 km strait up.
The poison gases... yeah, lots of sulphuric acid I figure - it smelled a lot like my chem class that I taught 3 years ago. It was pretty diluted in the open air, I'm sure it's much more noxious when you put your head over the mouth of the volcano.
I agree. Left the wood half way up the mountain by accident... and trust me, there was no wood near by, otherwise: SCORCH!
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