My mum flew down for an 8 day visit to visit her grandson (Amber and I were an added bonus). It was great to have an extra person to look after the little gamin*. It was really good to hear baby stories about me and my sisters too. Moms love talking about babies.
I know now that in part, Blaise's superhero powers come from his paternal grandmother. Perhaps not the best known superpower, but certainly a very useful one, is to tread fearlessly and to do it without comment (or shrieks) when one is afraid of A: riding in a fast car through winding mountain switchbacks B: eating food that was prepared out of eyesight C: changing Blaise's diapers. My mom accomplished all three with admiral dignity - thanks.
We carted mom all over the country: Guatemala City, Antigua, Tactic, Tamahú, San Antonio AV, Cobán, Panajachel, Santa Catarina de Palopó, and San Antonio de Palopó. I hadn't been to 3 of these beautiful spots before, so it was a blessing to have the opportunity.
Dropped mom at the airport this afternoon.
* gamin (fr) = patojo (sp) = young feller (en)
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